The Senior Phase covers S4 to S6.
Learning in the Senior Phase will continue to be active, engaging and enterprising, building directly on the BGE to ensure all learners are prepared well for lifelong learning, further study and employment. The 7 Principles of Curriculum Design continue to apply to all courses taught in the Senior Phase.
The characteristics of learning in the Senior Phase include:
- learning independently
- taking responsibility for learning
- active learning
- collaborative learning; and
- applying learning and skills development
It is during this phase that our young people prepare themselves to sit their National Qualifications. This is also the period when they look forward to the future and to the transition from secondary school to the world of Further/Higher Education, training or the world of work.
In S4 our young people study 7 courses for 4 periods per week. They select these from the 9 subjects they followed in S3. The allocation of 4 periods to each course recognises that some National courses now contain elements which were previously studied at Higher level. This allocation of time also allows for a more thorough preparation for progression to the next stage of their learning in S5 or S6 by providing additional time for greater breadth, depth and challenge. Pupils also continue to take PE (2 periods), RE (1 period) and PSE (1 period).
In S5 our young people study 5 courses for 6 periods per week. Many young people will study 5 Higher level courses or a mixture of Higher level and National 5 courses. Some young people will study a mixture of National 4 and National 5 courses. Those young people studying courses at National 5 level may progress to Higher level over 2 years. Pupils are also able to select from a wide range of courses offered through the EDC Senior Phase Partnership Programme. Some young people follow a targeted Skills for Learning, Life and Work course. In addition to their 5 courses of study, all young people in S5 have a dedicated period of PSE and a Health and Wellbeing period where, on rotation, they experience PE, RMPS and Survival Cookery.
In S6 we offer our young people a flexible curriculum which reflects the kinds of demands that will be made on them in a Further/Higher Education environment or in the world of work, where they will require to function more independently.
In S6 young people will have a minimum of 21 timetabled class periods (including 1 period of PSE) plus one timetabled period for assembly. Young people studying subjects up to Higher level choose a minimum of four subjects. This may be reduced where young people are studying 3 Advanced Higher courses or 2 Advanced Higher courses plus 1 Higher course.
Within our flexible S6 curriculum we offer a wide range of activities and additional opportunities to support personal development. These include:
- Self-directed study
- EDC Senior Phase Partnership Progamme
- Open University Young Applicants in Scotland Scheme
- Young Enterprise Scotland
- Community Involvement
- SQA Leadership Award SCQF level 5
- Scottish Saltire Award
- Mandarin
- Higher Psychology
As links with colleges become more established a number of options which lead to industry standard qualifications and which require even greater creative flexibility in terms of supporting young people’s development are becoming available e.g NC Mechanical Engineering leading to HNC and onto HND. This option requires attendance at college for 1 full day and 2 half days.
It is anticipated that our planned Curriculum Structure from the end of the BGE Phase and into the Senior Phase may generate additional flexibility and more appropriate curricular pathways for our young people. As young people progress from S3 with 9 subjects, into S4 with 7 subjects and on into S5 with 5 subjects they will, across S3 and S4, have set aside 4 courses which they studied to at least SCQF level 4 and this may offer them additional opportunities for progression as they move into S6.
The options available in S5 and S6 reflect the most popular combinations of subjects. It may be necessary for pupils to spread their choice of subjects over two years in order to combine all the subjects they wish to study. Pupils are alerted at the time of choosing their third year options of any subjects which cannot be studied beyond National 5. The availability of courses in S5 and S6 depends upon staffing levels and accommodation which can change from year to year.
Not all courses are on offer at Higher. The levels at which subjects are available are noted on the course choice forms.
Some pupils participate in the EDC Senior Phase Partnership Programme which allows them to study for a vocational qualification alongside their other subjects. Pupils attend a college for two afternoons a week to follow these courses.
In S6 it may be possible for a pupil to study a subject intensively for presentation at Higher Level, even though the subject has not been taken at National 5. This is permitted only in the case of a pupil of proven ability and application. Subjects studied intensively in recent years include Biology and the Social Subjects.