Skills Development Scotland: Support for pupils and teachers in Douglas Academy.
Careers Advisers help support pupils to develop their Career Management Skills, through groupwork sessions for pupils from S1 to S4, careers interviews focusing on targeted groups of S3-S6 pupils and Option Choice interviews for all S3 pupils.
Our aim is to give pupils the skills and tools to make informed career choices throughout their lives as they prepare to leave Douglas Academy.
Contact information below for the Careers advisers that are based in Douglas Academy with the room and contact details.
Referals for an Appointment can be made by Guidance and Subject Teachers, Support Staff to Careers advisers, who will then make the appropriate contact.
1:1 Careers appointments happen throughout the year to support young people with their Career Management skills to make informed career decisions. Support with applications, CVs, Interviews etc available.
Career Contact |
Gina Kelly
Interview Room 4 Thursday & Friday
Careers Office linked to school is: Skills Development Scotland New College Lanarkshire, 50 Southbank Rd, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1NH 0141-777-5860
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Careers Advisers deliver an introduction session to S1 pupils. In this they will highlight the role of the Careers Adviser in school, complete some activities introducing key themes and help pupils to register on the My World of Work website.
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Through PSE, S2 and S3 pupils learn more about Career Management Skills, decision making and the importance of research in making subject choices for future career plans. All S3 pupils are offered an interview before committing to their subject choices for S4. The discussion centres around the link between subjects and careers, the importance of researching ideas and setting goals for the future. |
S4, S5 and S6
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Options for s4 and beyond

S4 PSE classes receive an information session on Routes and Pathways after school. With such a diverse range of options for pupils to consider, including Graduate Apprenticeships, College, Employment, Self-employment and University, pupils gain an understanding of the different opportunities available when they leave school and the importance of thinking ahead and finding out more about what might be the best route for them. |
School Leavers Destination |
There are 2 snapshots taken each year, in October and February, to report on the destination of all school leavers. All leavers are followed up to ascertain their post school destination. If they are not in a positive destination they will be supported by one of our post school team of Careers Advisers, Work Coaches or Personal Advisers. However, anyone looking for careers support can use one of our Career Centres. |
My World of Work
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My World of Work

My World of Work is Scotland’s all age career information and advice web service. It has information on hundreds of jobs and courses throughout Scotland. It also has many practical tools for users at different stages of their career journey: from quizzes which will match someone’s personality and strengths to different jobs, Options Tool which will help match school subjects to careers and tools to support with CV building and applying for jobs. |
My World of Work - Educators

There is a section dedicated to teachers which provides a bank of lesson plans for subject teachers to help link lessons to the World of Work. Marketplace is an area which can connect employers and businesses to schools and lets a teacher find an inspirational speaker or a work experience opportunity. There are employers keen to engage with schools to discuss career opportunities in their business. Scan the QR code for more information. |
Teachers Newsletters
Sign up
Skills Development Scotland produces a monthly newsletter for teachers with links to lots of different tools and resources for example:
- Events and webinars from SDS and our partners
- careers information and resources
- Virtual activities from My World or Work Live
- Resources and key milestones around options choices, subjects and SQA results
- New tools and features on My World of Work to support you and your pupils
- Information on Apprenticeships
- Online resources to support remote working