Our department encourages and stimulates the development of individual ideas further developing pupils’ knowledge, understanding and communication skills. Pupils develop a wide range of necessary and useful skills that enables them to design and make high quality products, and in turn prepare them for the future.

We deliver the following courses:

  • S1 & S2 : Health and Food Technology
  • National 4 & 5: Practical Cookery
  • National 6 (Higher):  Health and Food Technology

Our pupils gain confidence in their own abilities and experience a range of interesting and creative activities.

Our department work hard to promote a professional, positive, enthusiastic image of Home Economics in order to develop a professional regard for our valuable subject.

Our subject develops practical and life skills which allow pupils to make informed decisions for their future health and wellbeing.

Team work and partnership working is an integral part of our teaching and department ethos. Most activities are based on practical activities and ‘learning through action’ is very popular with our pupils.

Broad General Education
National 4/5
Higher (National 6)
School Clubs