Physical Education is the only subject that focuses children and young people’s efforts and learning on their body and its physical development. It develops physical competence and confidence so that all children and young people are able to move efficiently, effectively, creatively and safely.
It improves aspects of fitness and develops personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. It enables learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for an active life. We provide a high quality physical education which engages all children and young people in a wide range of experiences, activities, and disciplines in order to promote lifelong learning. It allows for progression and provides opportunities for children and young people to listen, think, create, investigate, and problem solve. It plays a key role in supporting children and young people’s mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
National Qualifications
Browse our NQ site to find subject-specific materials across the range of expressive arts.
The Higher Physical Education course consists of 2 mandatory units:
In this Unit, learners will develop a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills through a range of physical activities. They will select, demonstrate, apply and adapt these skills, and will use them to make informed decisions. They will also develop their knowledge and understanding of how these skills combine to produce effective outcomes. Learners will develop consistency, precision, control and fluency of movement. They will also learn how to respond to and meet the demands of performance in a safe and effective way.
In this Unit, learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of mental, emotional, social and physical factors that impact on personal performance in physical activities. Learners will consider how these factors can influence effectiveness in performance. They will develop knowledge and understanding of a range of approaches for enhancing performance and will select and apply these to factors that impact on their personal performance. They will create personal development plans, modify these and justify decisions relating to future personal development needs.