Why are we here?

Where did it all come from?

What does it all mean?

Is there more than just stuff?

These are the kinds of questions we explore in RMPS! They’re questions all human beings ask sooner or later, and in RMPS we study some of the ways in which people have tried to answer them. These include views from the biggest World Religions, from Philosophy, and from Science.

We also look at different approaches to morality, and a range of views on difficult ethical issues arising in areas like prejudice and discrimination, criminal justice and medicine.

We think that RMPS is an engaging, relevant and essential part of a well-rounded education, and we love getting alongside pupils on this part of their personal journey. Having an opportunity to reflect on ideas and develop and share views is really important for everyone, because our conclusions will go on to shape our outlook on life, our sense of meaning and purpose, and our relationships with others.

Douglas Academy is a non-denominational school, and this means that RMPS is taught from a strictly neutral point of view. Whether pupils are religious themselves or not, religion remains a fascinating area for study because in the end it’s about the human impulse to look for meaning in life. This means there is no question that RMPS has relevance for all of our pupils.

In line with our school’s aim of achieving recognition as a Rights Respecting School, we think the following articles from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child chime especially with our work in RMPS.

The RMPS department delivers a range of courses to pupils in S1-6. They are planned to provide breadth, depth, challenge and enjoyment, specifically in the study of Issues of Belief, Issues of Morality, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism.

Our work is designed to encourage pupils to develop accurate knowledge, but also to reflect personally on the ideas studied through discussion and debate.

The RMPS department is responsible for Core lessons with all pupils in S1-5, and in S4, all of our pupils have an opportunity to achieve 2 National Units.

We also offer a range Certificated Courses in RMPS at National 4 - Higher levels, for our pupils who are keen to work towards a qualification.

"Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously. (Article 12) Every child has the right to think and believe what they want … as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. (Article 14) Every child has the right to reliable information. (Article 17) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for … their own and other cultures, and the environment. (Article 29)"

From A Summary of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child


Why Study RMPS?
S1-3 Core RME
RMPS in the Senior Phase